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Psalms 9:6
musuh telah habis binasa menjadi timbunan puing senantiasa kota-kota telah Kauruntuhkan lenyaplah ingatan kepadanya
<341> <8552> <2723> <5331> <5892> <5428> <6> <2143> <1992>
AV: O thou enemy <0341> (8802), destructions <02723> are come to a perpetual <05331> end <08552> (8804): and thou hast destroyed <05428> (8804) cities <06145> (8676) <05892>; their memorial <02143> is perished <06> (8804) with them <01992>. {O thou...: or, The destructions of the enemy are come to a perpetual end: and their cities hast thou destroyed, etc}
Psalms 16:11
Engkau memberitahukan kepadaku jalan kehidupan di hadapan-Mu ada sukacita berlimpah-limpah di tangan kanan-Mu ada nikmat senantiasa
<3045> <734> <2416> <7648> <8057> <853> <6440> <5273> <3225> <5331>
AV: Thou wilt shew <03045> (8686) me the path <0734> of life <02416>: in thy presence <06440> [is] fulness <07648> of joy <08057>; at thy right hand <03225> [there are] pleasures <05273> for evermore <05331>.