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Psalms 5:10
Biarlah mereka menanggung kesalahan mereka ya Allah biarlah mereka jatuh karena rancangannya sendiri buanglah mereka karena banyaknya pelanggaran mereka sebab mereka memberontak terhadap Engkau
<816> <430> <5307> <4156> <7230> <6588> <5080> <3588> <4784> <0>
AV: Destroy <0816> (8685) thou them, O God <0430>; let them fall <05307> (8799) by their own counsels <04156>; cast them out <05080> (8685) in the multitude <07230> of their transgressions <06588>; for they have rebelled <04784> (8804) against thee. {Destroy...: or, Make them guilty} {by...: or, from their counsels}