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Psalms 5:9
Sebab perkataan mereka tidak ada yang jujur batin mereka penuh kebusukan kerongkongan mereka seperti kubur ternganga lidah mereka merayu-rayu
<3588> <369> <6310> <3559> <7130> <1942> <6913> <6605> <1627> <3956> <2505>
AV: For [there is] no faithfulness <03559> (8737) in their mouth <06310>; their inward <07130> part [is] very wickedness <01942>; their throat <01627> [is] an open <06605> (8803) sepulchre <06913>; they flatter <02505> (8686) with their tongue <03956>. {faithfulness: or, stedfastness} {their mouth: Heb. his mouth, that is, the mouth of any of them} {very...: Heb. wickednesses}
Psalms 109:2
Sebab mulut orang fasik dan mulut penipu ternganga terhadap aku mereka berbicara terhadap aku dengan lidah dusta
<3588> <6310> <7563> <6310> <4820> <5921> <6605> <1696> <854> <3956> <8267>
AV: For the mouth <06310> of the wicked <07563> and the mouth <06310> of the deceitful <04820> are opened <06605> (8804) against me: they have spoken <01696> (8765) against me with a lying <08267> tongue <03956>. {of the deceitful: Heb. of deceit} {are opened: Heb. have opened themselves}
Jeremiah 5:16
Tabung panahnya seperti kubur yang ternganga mereka semuanya adalah pahlawan-pahlawan
<827> <6913> <6605> <3605> <1368>
AV: Their quiver <0827> [is] as an open <06605> (8803) sepulchre <06913>, they [are] all mighty men <01368>.