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Job 22:30
Orang yang tidak bersalah diluputkan-Nya engkau luput karena kebersihan tanganmu
<4422> <336> <5355> <4422> <1252> <3709> <0>
AV: He shall deliver <04422> (8762) the island <0336> of the innocent <05355>: and it is delivered <04422> (8738) by the pureness <01252> of thine hands <03709>. {He shall...: or, The innocent shall deliver the island}
Psalms 107:20
disampaikan-Nya firman-Nya dan disembuhkan-Nya mereka diluputkan-Nya mereka dari liang kubur
<7971> <1697> <7495> <4422> <7825>
AV: He sent <07971> (8799) his word <01697>, and healed <07495> (8799) them, and delivered <04422> (8762) [them] from their destructions <07825>.