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Job 12:11
Bukankah telinga menguji kata-kata seperti langit-langit mencecap makanan
<3808> <241> <4405> <974> <2441> <400> <2938> <0>
AV: Doth not the ear <0241> try <0974> (8799) words <04405>? and the mouth <02441> taste <02938> (8799) his meat <0400>? {mouth: Heb. palate}
Job 34:3
Karena telinga itu menguji kata-kata seperti langit-langit mencecap makanan
<3588> <241> <4405> <974> <2441> <2938> <398>
AV: For the ear <0241> trieth <0974> (8799) words <04405>, as the mouth <02441> tasteth <02938> (8799) meat <0398> (8800). {mouth: Heb. palate}