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Genesis 41:45
Lalu Firaun menamai Yusuf Zafnat-Paaneah serta memberikan Asnat anak Potifera imam di On kepadanya menjadi isterinya Demikianlah Yusuf muncul sebagai kuasa atas seluruh tanah Mesir
<7121> <6547> <8034> <3130> <0> <6847> <5414> <0> <853> <621> <1323> <0> <6319> <3548> <204> <802> <3318> <3130> <5921> <776> <4714>
AV: And Pharaoh <06547> called <07121> (8799) Joseph's <03130> name <08034> Zaphnathpaaneah <06847>; and he gave <05414> (8799) him to wife <0802> Asenath <0621> the daughter <01323> of Potipherah <06319> priest <03548> of On <0204>. And Joseph <03130> went out <03318> (8799) over [all] the land <0776> of Egypt <04714>. {Zaphnathpaaneah: which in the Coptic signifies, A revealer of secrets, or, The man to whom secrets are revealed} {priest: or, prince}