2 Chronicles 24:23
Pada pergantian tahun tentara Aram maju menyerang Yoas dan masuk ke Yehuda dan Yerusalem Dari bangsa itu semua pemimpin habis dibunuh mereka dan segala jarahan dikirim mereka kepada raja negeri Damsyik
<1961> <8622> <8141> <5927> <5921> <2426> <758> <935> <413> <3063> <3389> <7843> <853> <3605> <8269> <5971> <5971> <3605> <7998> <7971> <4428> <1834>
AV: And it came to pass at the end <08622> of the year <08141>, [that] the host <02428> of Syria <0758> came up <05927> (8804) against him: and they came <0935> (8799) to Judah <03063> and Jerusalem <03389>, and destroyed <07843> (8686) all the princes <08269> of the people <05971> from among the people <05971>, and sent <07971> (8765) all the spoil <07998> of them unto the king <04428> of Damascus <01834>. {at the...: Heb. in the revolution of the year} {Damascus: Heb. Darmesek}
2 Chronicles 25:23
Yoas raja Israel menangkap Amazia raja Yehuda anak Yoas bin Yoahas di Bet-Semes Lalu Yoas membawa dia ke Yerusalem Ia membongkar tembok Yerusalem dari Pintu Gerbang Efraim sampai ke Pintu Gerbang Sudut empat ratus hasta panjangnya
<853> <558> <4428> <3063> <1121> <3101> <1121> <3059> <8610> <3101> <4428> <3478> <0> <1053> <935> <3389> <6555> <2346> <3389> <8179> <669> <5704> <8179> <6437> <702> <3967> <520>
AV: And Joash <03101> the king <04428> of Israel <03478> took <08610> (8804) Amaziah <0558> king <04428> of Judah <03063>, the son <01121> of Joash <03101>, the son <01121> of Jehoahaz <03059>, at Bethshemesh <01053>, and brought <0935> (8686) him to Jerusalem <03389>, and brake down <06555> (8799) the wall <02346> of Jerusalem <03389> from the gate <08179> of Ephraim <0669> to the corner <06437> (8802) gate <08179>, four <0702> hundred <03967> cubits <0520>. {the corner...: Heb. the gate of it that looketh}