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2 Chronicles 19:4
Yosafat diam di Yerusalem Ia mengadakan kunjungan pula ke daerah-daerah dari Bersyeba sampai ke pegunungan Efraim sambil menyuruh rakyat berbalik kepada TUHAN Allah nenek moyang mereka
<3427> <3092> <3389> <7725> <3318> <5971> <0> <884> <5704> <2022> <669> <7725> <413> <3068> <430> <1>
AV: And Jehoshaphat <03092> dwelt <03427> (8799) at Jerusalem <03389>: and he went out <03318> (8799) again <07725> (8799) through the people <05971> from Beersheba <0884> to mount <02022> Ephraim <0669>, and brought them back <07725> (8686) unto the LORD <03068> God <0430> of their fathers <01>. {he went...: Heb. he returned and went out}