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1 Chronicles 27:32
Yonatan saudara ayah Daud adalah penasihat dia seorang cerdas dan ahli kitab Yehiel bin Hakhmoni membantu anak-anak raja
<3083> <1730> <1732> <3289> <376> <995> <5608> <1931> <3171> <1121> <2453> <5973> <1121> <4428>
AV: Also Jonathan <03083> David's <01732> uncle <01730> was a counsellor <03289> (8802), a wise <0995> (8688) man <0376>, and a scribe <05608> (8802): and Jehiel <03171> the son <01121> of Hachmoni <02453> [was] with the king's <04428> sons <01121>: {scribe: or, secretary} {son...: or, Hachmonite}
Esther 2:7
Mordekhai itu pengasuh Hadasa yakni Ester anak saudara ayahnya sebab anak itu tidak beribu bapa lagi gadis itu elok perawakannya dan cantik parasnya Ketika ibu bapanya mati ia diangkat sebagai anak oleh Mordekhai
<1961> <539> <853> <1919> <1931> <635> <1323> <1730> <3588> <369> <0> <1> <517> <5291> <3303> <8389> <2896> <4758> <4194> <1> <517> <3947> <4782> <0> <1323>
AV: And he brought up <0539> (8802) Hadassah <01919>, that [is], Esther <0635>, his uncle's <01730> daughter <01323>: for she had neither father <01> nor mother <0517>, and the maid <05291> [was] fair <03303> <08389> and beautiful <02896> <04758>; whom Mordecai <04782>, when her father <01> and mother <0517> were dead <04194>, took <03947> (8804) for his own daughter <01323>. {brought...: Heb. nourished} {fair...: Heb. fair of form, and good of countenance}