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Genesis 36:39
Setelah Baal-Hanan bin Akhbor mati Hadar menjadi raja menggantikan dia kotanya bernama Pahu dan isterinya bernama Mehetabeel binti Matred binti Mezahab
<4191> <0> <1177> <1121> <5907> <4427> <8478> <1924> <8034> <5892> <6464> <8034> <802> <4105> <1323> <4308> <1323> <0> <4314>
AV: And Baalhanan <01177> the son <01121> of Achbor <05907> died <04191> (8799), and Hadar <01924> reigned <04427> (8799) in his stead: and the name <08034> of his city <05892> [was] Pau <06464>; and his wife's <0802> name <08034> [was] Mehetabel <04105>, the daughter <01323> of Matred <04308>, the daughter <01323> of Mezahab <04314>. {Hadar, Pau: or, Hadad, Pai: after his death was an Aristocracy}