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Genesis 36:38
Setelah Saul mati Baal-Hanan bin Akhbor menjadi raja menggantikan dia
<4191> <7586> <4427> <8478> <0> <1177> <1121> <5907>
AV: And Saul <07586> died <04191> (8799), and Baalhanan <01177> the son <01121> of Achbor <05907> reigned <04427> (8799) in his stead.
Genesis 36:39
Setelah Baal-Hanan bin Akhbor mati Hadar menjadi raja menggantikan dia kotanya bernama Pahu dan isterinya bernama Mehetabeel binti Matred binti Mezahab
<4191> <0> <1177> <1121> <5907> <4427> <8478> <1924> <8034> <5892> <6464> <8034> <802> <4105> <1323> <4308> <1323> <0> <4314>
AV: And Baalhanan <01177> the son <01121> of Achbor <05907> died <04191> (8799), and Hadar <01924> reigned <04427> (8799) in his stead: and the name <08034> of his city <05892> [was] Pau <06464>; and his wife's <0802> name <08034> [was] Mehetabel <04105>, the daughter <01323> of Matred <04308>, the daughter <01323> of Mezahab <04314>. {Hadar, Pau: or, Hadad, Pai: after his death was an Aristocracy}
2 Kings 22:12
Kemudian raja memberi perintah kepada imam Hilkia kepada Ahikam bin Safan kepada Akhbor bin Mikha kepada Safan panitera itu dan kepada Asaya hamba raja katanya
<6680> <4428> <853> <2518> <3548> <853> <296> <1121> <8227> <853> <5907> <1121> <4320> <853> <8227> <5608> <853> <6222> <5650> <4428> <559>
AV: And the king <04428> commanded <06680> (8762) Hilkiah <02518> the priest <03548>, and Ahikam <0296> the son <01121> of Shaphan <08227>, and Achbor <05907> the son <01121> of Michaiah <04320>, and Shaphan <08227> the scribe <05608> (8802), and Asahiah <06222> a servant <05650> of the king's <04428>, saying <0559> (8800), {Achbor: or, Abdon} {Michaiah: or, Micah}
2 Kings 22:14
Maka pergilah imam Hilkia Ahikam Akhbor Safan dan Asaya kepada nabiah Hulda isteri seorang yang mengurus pakaian-pakaian yaitu Salum bin Tikwa bin Harhas nabiah itu tinggal di Yerusalem di perkampungan baru Mereka memberitakan semuanya kepadanya
<1980> <2518> <3548> <296> <5907> <8227> <6222> <413> <2468> <5031> <802> <7967> <1121> <8616> <1121> <2745> <8104> <899> <1931> <3427> <3389> <4932> <1696> <413>
AV: So Hilkiah <02518> the priest <03548>, and Ahikam <0296>, and Achbor <05907>, and Shaphan <08227>, and Asahiah <06222>, went <03212> (8799) unto Huldah <02468> the prophetess <05031>, the wife <0802> of Shallum <07967> the son <01121> of Tikvah <08616>, the son <01121> of Harhas <02745>, keeper <08104> (8802) of the wardrobe <0899>; (now she dwelt <03427> (8802) in Jerusalem <03389> in the college <04932>;) and they communed <01696> (8762) with her. {wardrobe: Heb. garments} {in the...: or, in the second part}
1 Chronicles 1:49
Setelah Saul mati Baal-Hanan bin Akhbor menjadi raja menggantikan dia
<4191> <7586> <4427> <8478> <0> <1177> <1121> <5907>
AV: And when Shaul <07586> was dead <04191> (8799), Baalhanan <01177> the son <01121> of Achbor <05907> reigned <04427> (8799) in his stead.
Jeremiah 26:22
Kemudian raja Yoyakim menyuruh orang ke Mesir yaitu Elnatan bin Akhbor beserta beberapa orang
<7971> <4428> <3079> <376> <4714> <853> <494> <1121> <5907> <376> <854> <413> <4714>
AV: And Jehoiakim <03079> the king <04428> sent <07971> (8799) men <0582> into Egypt <04714>, [namely], Elnathan <0494> the son <01121> of Achbor <05907>, and [certain] men <0582> with him into Egypt <04714>.
Jeremiah 36:12
turunlah ia ke istana raja ke kamar panitera Di sana tampak duduk semua pemuka yakni panitera Elisama Delaya bin Semaya Elnatan bin Akhbor Gemarya bin Safan Zedekia bin Hananya dan semua pemuka lain
<3381> <1004> <4428> <5921> <3957> <5608> <2009> <8033> <3605> <8269> <3427> <476> <5608> <1806> <1121> <8098> <494> <1121> <5907> <1587> <1121> <8227> <6667> <1121> <2608> <3605> <8269>
AV: Then he went down <03381> (8799) into the king's <04428> house <01004>, into the scribe's <05608> (8802) chamber <03957>: and, lo, all the princes <08269> sat <03427> (8802) there, [even] Elishama <0476> the scribe <05608> (8802), and Delaiah <01806> the son <01121> of Shemaiah <08098>, and Elnathan <0494> the son <01121> of Achbor <05907>, and Gemariah <01587> the son <01121> of Shaphan <08227>, and Zedekiah <06667> the son <01121> of Hananiah <02608>, and all the princes <08269>.