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1 Chronicles 6:46
bin Amzi bin Bani bin Semer
<1121> <557> <1121> <1137> <1121> <8106>
AV: The son <01121> of Amzi <0557>, the son <01121> of Bani <01137>, the son <01121> of Shamer <08106>,
Nehemiah 11:12
dan saudara-saudara mereka yang bertugas di rumah itu delapan ratus dua puluh dua orang Pula Adaya bin Yeroham bin Pelalya bin Amzi bin Zakharia bin Pasyhur bin Malkia
<251> <6213> <4399> <1004> <8083> <3967> <6242> <8147> <5718> <1121> <3395> <1121> <6421> <1121> <557> <1121> <2148> <1121> <6583> <1121> <4441>
AV: And their brethren <0251> that did <06213> (8802) the work <04399> of the house <01004> [were] eight <08083> hundred <03967> twenty <06242> and two <08147>: and Adaiah <05718> the son <01121> of Jeroham <03395>, the son <01121> of Pelaliah <06421>, the son <01121> of Amzi <0557>, the son <01121> of Zechariah <02148>, the son <01121> of Pashur <06583>, the son <01121> of Malchiah <04441>,