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Genesis 35:18
Dan ketika ia hendak menghembuskan nafas sebab ia mati kemudian diberikannyalah nama Ben-oni kepada anak itu tetapi ayahnya menamainya Benyamin
<1961> <3318> <5315> <3588> <4191> <7121> <8034> <0> <1126> <1> <7121> <0> <1144>
AV: And it came to pass, as her soul <05315> was in departing <03318> (8800), (for she died <04191> (8804)) that she called <07121> (8799) his name <08034> Benoni <01126>: but his father <01> called <07121> (8804) him Benjamin <01144>. {Benoni: that is, The son of my sorrow} {Benjamin: that is, The son of the right hand}
Job 11:20
Tetapi mata orang fasik akan menjadi rabun mereka tidak dapat melarikan diri lagi yang masih diharapkan mereka hanyalah menghembuskan nafas
<5869> <7563> <3615> <4498> <6> <4480> <8615> <4646> <5315> <0>
AV: But the eyes <05869> of the wicked <07563> shall fail <03615> (8799), and they shall not escape <06> (8804) <04498>, and their hope <08615> [shall be as] the giving up <04646> of the ghost <05315>. {they shall...: Heb. flight shall perish from them} {the giving...: or, a puff of breath}
Lamentations 2:12
Kepada ibunya mereka bertanya Mana roti dan anggur sedang mereka jatuh pingsan seperti orang yang gugur di lapangan-lapangan kota ketika menghembuskan nafas di pangkuan ibunya
<517> <559> <346> <1715> <3196> <5848> <2491> <7339> <5892> <8210> <5315> <413> <2436> <517> <0>
AV: They say <0559> (8799) to their mothers <0517>, Where [is] corn <01715> and wine <03196>? when they swooned <05848> (8692) as the wounded <02491> in the streets <07339> of the city <05892>, when their soul <05315> was poured out <08210> (8692) into their mothers <0517>' bosom <02436>.