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2 Kings 24:10
Pada waktu itu majulah orang-orang Nebukadnezar raja Babel menyerang Yerusalem dan kota itu dikepung
<6256> <1931> <5927> <5650> <5019> <4428> <894> <3389> <935> <5892> <4692>
AV: At that time <06256> the servants <05650> of Nebuchadnezzar <05019> king <04428> of Babylon <0894> came up <05927> (8804) against Jerusalem <03389>, and the city <05892> was besieged <0935> (8799) <04692>. {was...: Heb. came into siege}
Zechariah 12:2
Sesungguhnya Aku membuat Yerusalem menjadi pasu yang menyebabkan segala bangsa di sekeliling menjadi pening juga Yehuda akan mengalami kesusahan ketika Yerusalem dikepung
<2009> <595> <7760> <853> <3389> <5592> <7478> <3605> <5971> <5439> <1571> <5921> <3063> <1961> <4692> <5921> <3389>
AV: Behold, I will make <07760> (8802) Jerusalem <03389> a cup <05592> of trembling <07478> unto all the people <05971> round about <05439>, when they shall be in the siege <04692> both against Judah <03063> [and] against Jerusalem <03389>. {trembling: or, slumber, or, poison} {when...: or, and also against Judah shall he be which shall be in siege against Jerusalem}