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Strong#:7340 // bxr R@chob or bwxr R@chowb
Orig: // the same as \\07339\\
AV=10==>Rehob 10
 Rehob = "broad place"

 n pr m
 1) father of Hadadezer the king of Zobah who was killed by David
 2) a Levite who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah

 n pr loc
 3) the northern limit of the exploration of the spies in Canaan;
    on the road to Hamath
 4) a town in Asher
 5) a second town by the same name also in Asher
    NASB:  places in Aram (Syria) and Pal., also an Aramean (Syrian) and an Isr.

Total: 10

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