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Strong#:669 // Myrpa 'Ephrayim
Orig:n pr m // dual of \\0672\\, Greek \\2187\\ \~Efraim\~
NASB:==>Ephraim(176), Ephraim's(4).
AV=180==>Ephraim 176, Ephraimite 4
 Ephraim = "double ash-heap: I shall be doubly fruitful"

 1) second son of Joseph, blessed by him and given preference over
    first son, Manasseh
 2) the tribe, Ephraim
 3) the mountain country of Ephraim
 4) sometimes used name for the northern kingdom (Hosea or Isaiah)
 5) a city near Baal-hazor
 6) a chief gate of Jerusalem
    NASB:  a son of Joseph, also his desc. and their territory

Total: 180
Efraim178·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ········

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