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Strong#:4782 // ykdrm Mord@kay
Orig:n pr m // of foreign derivation
NASB:==>Mordecai(56), Mordecai's(3).
AV=60==>Mordecai 60
 Mordecai = "little man" or "worshipper of Mars"

 1) cousin and adoptive father of queen Esther; son of Jair of the
    tribe of Benjamin; deliverer under Divine providence of the
    children of Israel from the destruction plotted by Haman the chief
    minister of Ahasuerus; institutor of the feast of Purim
 2) a Jew who returned from exile with Zerubbabel
    NASB:  a companion of Zerubbabel, also a cousin of Esther

Total: 60
Mordekhai57·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·······

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