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Strong#:3316 // xtpy Yiphtach
Orig: // from \\06605\\, Greek \\2422\\ \~Iefyae\~
NASB:==>Iphtah(1), Jephthah(29).
AV=30==>Jephthah 29, Jiphtah 1
 Jephthah or Jiphtah = "he opens"

 n pr m
 1) a son of Gilead and a concubine and the judge who defeated the
    Ammonites; after the victory because of a vow taken before the
    battle he sacrificed his daughter as a burnt offering

 n pr loc
 2) a city in Judah
    NASB:  He opens, a Gileadite, also a city of Judah

Total: 30
Yefta28·········· ·········· ········

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