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Strong#:2572 // Myvmx chamishshiym
Orig:n pl // multiple of \\02568\\
NASB:==>1,052*(2), 1,254*(4), 150*(4), 151,450*(2), 153,600*(1), 156*(1), 157,600*(1), 16,750*(1), 2,056*(1), 2,750*(1), 250*(5), 250,000*(1), 45,650*(2), 450*(2), 454*(1), 50(4), 50,000*(2), 50,070*(1), 52*(2), 52,700*(1), 53,400*(3), 54,400*(1), 56*(1), 57,400*
AV=162==>fifty 151, fifties 6, fiftieth 4, fifty + \\0376\\ 1
 1) fifty
    1a) fifty (cardinal number)
    1b) a multiple of fifty (with other numbers)
    1c) fiftieth (ordinal number)
    NASB:  fifty

Total: 163
150 [3967]4····
250 [3967]4····
1,254 [505, 3967, 702]4····
603,550 [8337, 3967, 505, 7969, 505, 2568, 3967]3···
53,400 [7969, 505, 702, 3967]3···
151,450 [3967, 505, 259, 505, 702, 3967]2··
59,300 [8672, 505, 7969, 3967]2··
1,052 [505, 8147]2··
54,400 [702, 505, 702, 3967]2··
52 [8147]2··
652 [8337, 3967, 8147]2··
45,650 [2568, 705, 505, 8337, 3967]2··
57,400 [7651, 505, 702, 3967]2··
52,700 [8147, 505, 7651, 3967]1·
156 [3967, 8337]1·
2,750 [505, 7651, 3967]1·
454 [702, 3967, 702]1·
50,000 [505]1·
2,056 [505, 8337]1·
950 [8672, 3967]1·
puluh [7657, 505]1·
56 [8337]1·
650 [8337, 3967]1·
16,750 [8337, 6240, 505, 7651, 3967]1·
956 [8672, 3967, 8337]1·
655 [8337, 3967, 2568]1·
157,600 [3967, 505, 7651, 505, 8337, 3967]1·
350 [7969, 3967]1·
lima puluh95·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·····
kelima puluh4····
lima puluh ... sekelompok2··
Lima puluh1·
lima puluh [2568]1·

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