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2 Samuel 15:30
Kemudian Daud mendaki tanjakan Bukit Zaitun Sambil mendaki dia menangis Dia berjalan dengan kepala berselubung dan berkaki ayam Seluruh rakyat yang menyertainya pun menyelubungi kepala masing-masing dan berjalan mendaki sambil menangis
<1732> <5927> <4608> <2132> <5927> <1058> <7218> <0> <2645> <1931> <1980> <3182> <3605> <5971> <834> <854> <2645> <376> <7218> <5927> <5927> <1058>
AV: And David <01732> went up <05927> (8802) by the ascent <04608> of [mount] Olivet <02132>, and wept <01058> (8802) as he went up <05927> (8802), and had his head <07218> covered <02645> (8802), and he went <01980> (8802) barefoot <03182>: and all the people <05971> that [was] with him covered <02645> (8804) every man <0376> his head <07218>, and they went up <05927> (8804), weeping <01058> (8800) as they went up <05927> (8800). {and wept...: Heb. going up and weeping}
Jeremiah 14:3
Bangsawan menyuruh para hamba mereka mencari air Mereka pergi ke perigi-perigi tetapi tidak mendapatkan air lalu pulang dengan wadah kosong Mereka kecewa dan malu lalu menyelubungi kepala mereka
<117> <7971> <6810> <4325> <935> <5921> <1356> <3808> <4672> <4325> <7725> <3627> <7387> <954> <3637> <2645> <7218>
AV: And their nobles <0117> have sent <07971> (8804) their little ones <06810> to the waters <04325>: they came <0935> (8804) to the pits <01356> (8676) <01360>, [and] found <04672> (8804) no water <04325>; they returned <07725> (8804) with their vessels <03627> empty <07387>; they were ashamed <0954> (8804) and confounded <03637> (8717), and covered <02645> (8804) their heads <07218>.
Jeremiah 14:4
Tanah retak kerana hujan tidak turun di negeri Petani kecewa lalu menyelubungi kepala mereka
<5668> <127> <2865> <3588> <3808> <1961> <1653> <776> <954> <406> <2645> <7218>
AV: Because the ground <0127> is chapt <02865> (8804), for there was no rain <01653> in the earth <0776>, the plowmen <0406> were ashamed <0954> (8804), they covered <02645> (8804) their heads <07218>.