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2 Samuel 2:16
Lalu masing-masing menangkap kepala lawannya dan menikamkan pedangnya ke rusuk lawannya sehingga mereka roboh bersama-sama Oleh sebab itu tempat itu disebut Helkat-Hazurim letaknya di Gibeon
<2388> <376> <7218> <7453> <2719> <6654> <7453> <5307> <3162> <7121> <4725> <1931> <0> <2521> <834> <1391>
AV: And they caught <02388> (8686) every one <0376> his fellow <07453> by the head <07218>, and [thrust] his sword <02719> in his fellow's <07453> side <06654>; so they fell down <05307> (8799) together <03162>: wherefore that place <04725> was called <07121> (8799) Helkathhazzurim <02521>, which [is] in Gibeon <01391>. {Helkathhazzurim: that is, The field of strong men}