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1 Samuel 31:3
Peperangan itu semakin sengit menghimpit Saul dan para pemanah mendapatkannya Lalu Saul mengalami luka parah di tangan para pemanah itu
<3513> <4421> <413> <7586> <4672> <3384> <582> <7198> <2342> <3966> <3384>
AV: And the battle <04421> went sore <03513> (8799) against Saul <07586>, and the archers <03384> (8688) <0582> <07198> hit <04672> (8799) him; and he was sore <03966> wounded <02342> (8799) of the archers <03384> (8688) <0582> <07198>. {and the archers: Heb. and the shooters, men with bows} {hit...: Heb. found him}
1 Chronicles 10:3
Semakin sengit peperangan itu menghimpit Saul lalu para pemanah mendapatkannya maka Saul luka parah di tangan para pemanah itu
<3513> <4421> <5921> <7586> <4672> <3384> <7198> <2342> <4480> <3384>
AV: And the battle <04421> went sore <03513> (8799) against Saul <07586>, and the archers <03384> (8688) <07198> hit <04672> (8799) him, and he was wounded <02342> (8799) of the archers <03384> (8802). {and the archers: Heb. and the shooters with bows} {hit: Heb. found}
2 Chronicles 35:23
Raja Yosia tertembak oleh para pemanah lalu katanya kepada para pegawainya Bawalah aku dari sini kerana aku terluka parah
<3384> <3384> <4428> <2977> <559> <4428> <5650> <5674> <3588> <2470> <3966>
AV: And the archers <03384> (8802) shot <03384> (8686) at king <04428> Josiah <02977>; and the king <04428> said <0559> (8799) to his servants <05650>, Have me away <05674> (8685); for I am sore <03966> wounded <02470> (8717). {wounded: Heb. made sick}