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1 Samuel 17:40
Daud mengambil tongkatnya lalu memilih lima butir anak batu yang licin dari sungai Dia memasukkan batu-batu itu ke dalam kantung gembala miliknya dan membawa tarbilnya Setelah itu dia pun maju mendekati orang Filistin itu
<3947> <4731> <3027> <977> <0> <2568> <2512> <68> <4480> <5158> <7760> <853> <3627> <7462> <834> <0> <3219> <7050> <3027> <5066> <413> <6430>
AV: And he took <03947> (8799) his staff <04731> in his hand <03027>, and chose <0977> (8799) him five <02568> smooth <02512> stones <068> out of the brook <05158>, and put <07760> (8799) them in a shepherd's <07462> (8802) bag <03627> which he had, even in a scrip <03219>; and his sling <07050> [was] in his hand <03027>: and he drew near <05066> (8799) to the Philistine <06430>. {brook: or, valley} {bag: Heb. vessel}