1 Samuel 10:21
Kemudian dia menyuruh suku Benyamin menghadap menurut kaum-kaumnya lalu terpilihlah kaum Matri dan akhirnya terpilihlah Saul anak Kish Tetapi ketika mereka mencarinya Saul tidak ditemui
<7126> <853> <7626> <1144> <4940> <3920> <4940> <4309> <3920> <7586> <1121> <7027> <1245> <3808> <4672>
AV: When he had caused the tribe <07626> of Benjamin <01144> to come near <07126> (8686) by their families <04940>, the family <04940> of Matri <04309> was taken <03920> (8735), and Saul <07586> the son <01121> of Kish <07027> was taken <03920> (8735): and when they sought <01245> (8762) him, he could not be found <04672> (8738).
1 Samuel 11:8
Ketika Saul menghitung mereka di Bezek ada tiga ratus ribu orang Israel dan tiga puluh ribu orang Yehuda
<6485> <966> <1961> <1121> <3478> <7969> <3967> <505> <376> <3063> <7970> <505>
AV: And when he numbered <06485> (8799) them in Bezek <0966>, the children <01121> of Israel <03478> were three <07969> hundred <03967> thousand <0505>, and the men <0376> of Judah <03063> thirty <07970> thousand <0505>.
1 Samuel 13:8
Dia menanti selama tujuh hari seperti yang ditentukan oleh Samuel tetapi Samuel tidak juga datang ke Gilgal sehingga pasukan itu bercerai-berai meninggalkan Saul
<3176> <7651> <3117> <4150> <834> <8050> <3808> <935> <8050> <1537> <6327> <5971> <5921>
AV: And he tarried <03176> (8686) (8675) <03176> (8735) seven <07651> days <03117>, according to the set time <04150> that Samuel <08050> [had appointed]: but Samuel <08050> came <0935> (8804) not to Gilgal <01537>; and the people <05971> were scattered <06327> (8686) from him.
1 Samuel 15:27
Apabila Samuel berpaling hendak pergi Saul memegang punca jubah Samuel tetapi terkoyak
<5437> <8050> <1980> <2388> <3671> <4598> <7167>
AV: And as Samuel <08050> turned about <05437> (8735) to go away <03212> (8800), he laid hold <02388> (8686) upon the skirt <03671> of his mantle <04598>, and it rent <07167> (8735).
1 Samuel 15:30
Kata Saul Aku telah berdosa Tetapi sekarang mohon hormati aku di hadapan para tua-tua rakyatku dan di hadapan orang Israel Kembalilah bersamaku supaya aku dapat beribadat kepada Tuhan Allahmu
<559> <2398> <6258> <3513> <4994> <5048> <2205> <5971> <5048> <3478> <7725> <5973> <7812> <3068> <430>
AV: Then he said <0559> (8799), I have sinned <02398> (8804): [yet] honour <03513> (8761) me now, I pray thee, before the elders <02205> of my people <05971>, and before Israel <03478>, and turn again <07725> (8798) with me, that I may worship <07812> (8694) the LORD <03068> thy God <0430>.
1 Samuel 31:5
Apabila pembawa senjatanya melihat bahawa Saul sudah mati dia juga menjatuhkan dirinya ke atas pedangnya lalu mati bersama-sama Saul
<7200> <5375> <3627> <3588> <4191> <7586> <5307> <1571> <1931> <5921> <2719> <4191> <5973>
AV: And when his armourbearer <05375> (8802) <03627> saw <07200> (8799) that Saul <07586> was dead <04191> (8804), he fell <05307> (8799) likewise upon his sword <02719>, and died <04191> (8799) with him.
1 Samuel 31:10
Mereka menyimpan baju besi Saul di dalam kuil Asytoret serta memakukan mayatnya di tembok kota Bet-Sean
<7760> <853> <3627> <1004> <6252> <853> <1472> <8628> <2346> <0> <1052>
AV: And they put <07760> (8799) his armour <03627> in the house <01004> of Ashtaroth <06252> (8677) <01045>: and they fastened <08628> (8804) his body <01472> to the wall <02346> of Bethshan <01052>.
1 Chronicles 10:10
Mereka menyimpan segala senjata Saul di dalam kuil tuhan mereka serta memakukan kepalanya di rumah berhala Dagon
<7760> <853> <3627> <1004> <430> <853> <1538> <8628> <1004> <1712> <0>
AV: And they put <07760> (8799) his armour <03627> in the house <01004> of their gods <0430>, and fastened <08628> (8804) his head <01538> in the temple <01004> of Dagon <01712>.