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Ruth 3:16
Setibanya Rut di rumah ibu mertuanya bertanya Bagaimana jadinya anakku Maka Rut menceritakan semua yang dilakukan Boas kepadanya
<935> <413> <2545> <559> <4310> <859> <1323> <5046> <0> <853> <3605> <834> <6213> <0> <376>
AV: And when she came <0935> (8799) to her mother in law <02545>, she said <0559> (8799), Who [art] thou, my daughter <01323>? And she told <05046> (8686) her all that the man <0376> had done <06213> (8804) to her.
Micah 7:6
Anak laki-laki menghina ayahnya anak perempuan bangkit melawan ibunya menantu perempuan melawan ibu mertuanya Musuh seseorang ialah ahli keluarga rumahnya sendiri
<3588> <1121> <5034> <1> <1323> <6965> <517> <3618> <2545> <341> <376> <582> <1004>
AV: For the son <01121> dishonoureth <05034> (8764) the father <01>, the daughter <01323> riseth up <06965> (8801) against her mother <0517>, the daughter in law <03618> against her mother in law <02545>; a man's <0376> enemies <0341> (8802) [are] the men <0582> of his own house <01004>.