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Judges 18:17
Lima orang peninjau itu berjalan terus lalu masuk ke dalam lalu mengambil patung pahatan efod berhala yang disembah serta patung tuangan itu sementara imam itu berdiri di pintu gerbang bersama-sama enam ratus orang yang dilengkapi dengan senjata masing-masing
<5927> <2568> <376> <1980> <7270> <853> <776> <935> <8033> <3947> <853> <6456> <853> <646> <853> <8655> <853> <4541> <3548> <5324> <6607> <8179> <8337> <3967> <376> <2296> <3627> <4421>
AV: And the five <02568> men <0582> that went <01980> (8802) to spy out <07270> (8763) the land <0776> went up <05927> (8799), [and] came in <0935> (8804) thither, [and] took <03947> (8804) the graven image <06459>, and the ephod <0646>, and the teraphim <08655>, and the molten image <04541>: and the priest <03548> stood <05324> (8737) in the entering <06607> of the gate <08179> with the six <08337> hundred <03967> men <0376> [that were] appointed <02296> (8803) with weapons <03627> of war <04421>.