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Joshua 21:4
Melalui undian kaum-kaum bani Kehat bani Lewi daripada keturunan Imam Harun itu mendapat tiga belas buah kota daripada suku Yehuda suku Simeon dan suku Benyamin
<3318> <1486> <4940> <6956> <1961> <1121> <175> <3548> <4480> <3881> <4294> <3063> <4294> <8099> <4294> <1144> <1486> <5892> <7969> <6240> <0>
AV: And the lot <01486> came out <03318> (8799) for the families <04940> of the Kohathites <06956>: and the children <01121> of Aaron <0175> the priest <03548>, [which were] of the Levites <03881>, had by lot <01486> out of the tribe <04294> of Judah <03063>, and out of the tribe <04294> of Simeon <08099>, and out of the tribe <04294> of Benjamin <01144>, thirteen <07969> <06240> cities <05892>.