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Joshua 11:5
Semua raja itu bersekutu lalu datang berkhemah bersama-sama dekat mata air Merom untuk berperang melawan orang Israel
<3259> <3605> <4428> <428> <935> <2583> <3162> <413> <4325> <4792> <3898> <5973> <3478> <0>
AV: And when all these kings <04428> were met together <03259> (8735), they came <0935> (8799) and pitched <02583> (8799) together <03162> at the waters <04325> of Merom <04792>, to fight <03898> (8736) against Israel <03478>. {met...: Heb. assembled by appointment}
Joshua 11:7
Lalu Yosua berserta seluruh pasukan perang menyerbu mereka dengan tiba-tiba berdekatan mata air Merom dan menyerang mereka
<935> <3091> <3605> <5971> <4421> <5973> <5921> <5921> <4325> <4792> <6597> <5307> <0>
AV: So Joshua <03091> came <0935> (8799), and all the people <05971> of war <04421> with him, against them by the waters <04325> of Merom <04792> suddenly <06597>; and they fell upon <05307> (8799) them.