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Genesis 24:16
Gadis itu sangat cantik parasnya seorang perawan belum pernah disentuh lelaki Dia turun ke mata air itu dan mengisi buyungnya lalu naik lagi
<5291> <2896> <4758> <3966> <1330> <376> <3808> <3045> <3381> <5869> <4390> <3537> <5927>
AV: And the damsel <05291> [was] very <03966> fair <02896> to look upon <04758>, a virgin <01330>, neither had any man <0376> known <03045> (8804) her: and she went down <03381> (8799) to the well <05869>, and filled <04390> (8762) her pitcher <03537>, and came up <05927> (8799). {very...: Heb. good of countenance}
Esther 2:7
Mordekhai bertindak sebagai penjaga yang membesarkan Hadasa iaitu Ester anak perempuan bapa saudaranya memandangkan anak itu tidak lagi mempunyai ibu atau ayah Gadis itu menarik lagi cantik paras rupanya Setelah kematian ibu dan ayahnya dia menjadi anak angkat Mordekhai
<1961> <539> <853> <1919> <1931> <635> <1323> <1730> <3588> <369> <0> <1> <517> <5291> <3303> <8389> <2896> <4758> <4194> <1> <517> <3947> <4782> <0> <1323>
AV: And he brought up <0539> (8802) Hadassah <01919>, that [is], Esther <0635>, his uncle's <01730> daughter <01323>: for she had neither father <01> nor mother <0517>, and the maid <05291> [was] fair <03303> <08389> and beautiful <02896> <04758>; whom Mordecai <04782>, when her father <01> and mother <0517> were dead <04194>, took <03947> (8804) for his own daughter <01323>. {brought...: Heb. nourished} {fair...: Heb. fair of form, and good of countenance}