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Deuteronomy 28:54
Lelaki yang paling lembut dan halus antaramu akan tidak mengasihani saudaranya isterinya sendiri dan anak-anaknya yang masih tinggal dengannya
<376> <7390> <0> <6028> <3966> <7489> <5869> <251> <802> <2436> <3499> <1121> <834> <3498>
AV: [So that] the man <0376> [that is] tender <07390> among you, and very <03966> delicate <06028>, his eye <05869> shall be evil <03415> (8799) toward his brother <0251>, and toward the wife <0802> of his bosom <02436>, and toward the remnant <03499> of his children <01121> which he shall leave <03498> (8686):