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Deuteronomy 9:21
Kemudian kuambil hasil perbuatanmu yang penuh dosa iaitu arca anak lembu tuangan itu lalu kubakar habis kutumbuk dan kugiling betul-betul sampai halus seperti debu Setelah itu kucampakkan debu itu ke sungai yang mengalir turun dari gunung
<853> <2403> <834> <6213> <853> <5695> <3947> <8313> <853> <784> <3807> <853> <2912> <3190> <5704> <834> <1851> <6083> <7993> <853> <6083> <413> <5158> <3381> <4480> <2022>
AV: And I took <03947> (8804) your sin <02403>, the calf <05695> which ye had made <06213> (8804), and burnt <08313> (8799) it with fire <0784>, and stamped <03807> (8799) it, [and] ground <02912> (8800) [it] very small <03190> (8687), [even] until it was as small <01854> (8804) as dust <06083>: and I cast <07993> (8686) the dust <06083> thereof into the brook <05158> that descended out <03381> (8802) of the mount <02022>.
Psalms 133:2
Umpama minyak yang amat dihargai di atas kepala mengalir turun ke janggut janggut Harun mengalir turun di tepi jubahnya
<8081> <2896> <5921> <7218> <3381> <5921> <2206> <2206> <175> <3381> <5921> <6310> <4060>
AV: [It is] like the precious <02896> ointment <08081> upon the head <07218>, that ran down <03381> (8802) upon the beard <02206>, [even] Aaron's <0175> beard <02206>: that went down <03381> (8802) to the skirts <06310> of his garments <04060>;
Psalms 133:2
Umpama minyak yang amat dihargai di atas kepala mengalir turun ke janggut janggut Harun mengalir turun di tepi jubahnya
<8081> <2896> <5921> <7218> <3381> <5921> <2206> <2206> <175> <3381> <5921> <6310> <4060>
AV: [It is] like the precious <02896> ointment <08081> upon the head <07218>, that ran down <03381> (8802) upon the beard <02206>, [even] Aaron's <0175> beard <02206>: that went down <03381> (8802) to the skirts <06310> of his garments <04060>;