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Numbers 35:29
Itulah ketetapan hukum bagi kamu turun-temurun di seluruh tempat kediamanmu
<1961> <428> <0> <2708> <4941> <1755> <3605> <4186>
AV: So these [things] shall be for a statute <02708> of judgment <04941> unto you throughout your generations <01755> in all your dwellings <04186>.
1 Chronicles 2:33
Anak-anak Yonatan Pelet dan Zaza Itulah keturunan Yerahmeel
<1121> <3129> <6431> <2117> <428> <1961> <1121> <3396>
AV: And the sons <01121> of Jonathan <03129>; Peleth <06431>, and Zaza <02117>. These were the sons <01121> of Jerahmeel <03396>.
1 Chronicles 2:50
Itulah keturunan Kaleb Anak-anak Hur anak sulung Efrata ialah Syobal bapa Kiryat-Yearim
<428> <1961> <1121> <3612> <1121> <2354> <1060> <672> <7732> <1> <0> <7157>
AV: These were the sons <01121> of Caleb <03612> the son <01121> of Hur <02354>, the firstborn <01060> of Ephratah <0672>; Shobal <07732> the father <01> of Kirjathjearim <07157>, {Ephratah: also called, Ephreth}