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Leviticus 6:5
atau apa-apa pun yang dia bersumpah dusta atasnya Hendaklah dia membayar ganti rugi penuh dengan tambahan sebanyak seperlima daripada nilainya Hendaklah dia mengembalikan barang itu kepada pemiliknya pada hari dia mempersembahkan korban penebus kesalahannya
<176> <3605> <834> <7650> <5921> <8267> <7999> <853> <7218> <2549> <3254> <5921> <834> <1931> <0> <5414> <3117> <819>
AV: Or all that about which he hath sworn <07650> (8735) falsely <08267>; he shall even restore <07999> (8765) it in the principal <07218>, and shall add <03254> (0) the fifth part <02549> more <03254> (8686) thereto, [and] give <05414> (8799) it unto him to whom it appertaineth, in the day <03117> of his trespass offering <0819>. {in the day...: or, in the day of his being found guilty: Heb. in the day of his trespass}