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Habakkuk 2:9
Malangnya dia yang mengejar laba haram bagi isi rumahnya Orang itu bermaksud meninggikan kedudukan sarangnya agar terlepas daripada jangkauan malapetaka
<1945> <1214> <1215> <7451> <1004> <7760> <4791> <7064> <5337> <3709> <7451>
AV: Woe <01945> to him that coveteth <01214> (8802) an evil <07451> covetousness <01215> to his house <01004>, that he may set <07760> (8800) his nest <07064> on high <04791>, that he may be delivered <05337> (8736) from the power <03709> of evil <07451>! {coveteth...: or, gaineth and evil gain} {power...: Heb. palm of the hand}