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Daniel 5:6
Maka pucatlah wajah raja dan fikirannya membuat dia amat gusar Lemah longlai sendi-sendi pinggangnya dan lututnya saling berhantukan
<116> <4430> <2122> <8133> <7476> <927> <7001> <2783> <8271> <755> <1668> <1668> <5368>
AV: Then <0116> the king's <04430> countenance <02122> was changed <08133> (8754), and his thoughts <07476> troubled <0927> (8792) him, so that the joints <07001> of his loins <02783> were loosed <08271> (8723), and his knees <0755> smote <05368> (8750) one <01668> against another <01668>. {countenance: Chaldee, brightnesses} {was changed: Chaldee, changed it} {joints: or, girdles: Chaldee, bindings, or, knots}