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Ezekiel 23:11
Sekalipun adiknya Oholiba melihat hal itu berahinya lebih merosakkan lagi daripada kakaknya dan perzinaannya melebihi perzinaan kakaknya
<7200> <269> <172> <7843> <5691> <4480> <853> <8457> <2183> <269>
AV: And when her sister <0269> Aholibah <0172> saw <07200> (8799) [this], she was more corrupt <07843> (8686) in her inordinate love <05691> than she, and in her whoredoms <08457> more than her sister <0269> in [her] whoredoms <02183>. {she was...: Heb. she corrupted her inordinate love more than, etc} {more than...: Heb. more than the whoredoms of her sister}
Ezekiel 23:14
Dia bahkan menambah perzinaannya Dia melihat susuk-susuk lelaki terukir di dinding iaitu gambar orang Kasdim yang terukir dalam warna merah
<3254> <413> <8457> <7200> <376> <2707> <5921> <7023> <6754> <3778> <2710> <8350>
AV: And [that] she increased <03254> (8686) her whoredoms <08457>: for when she saw <07200> (8799) men <0582> pourtrayed <02707> (8794) upon the wall <07023>, the images <06754> of the Chaldeans <03778> pourtrayed <02710> (8803) with vermilion <08350>,
Ezekiel 23:18
Kerana dia terang-terangan melakukan perzinaannya dan memperlihatkan auratnya maka Aku pun menjauhinya dengan rasa muak sama seperti Aku menjauhi kakaknya
<1540> <8457> <1540> <853> <6172> <3363> <5315> <5921> <834> <5361> <5315> <5921> <269>
AV: So she discovered <01540> (8762) her whoredoms <08457>, and discovered <01540> (8762) her nakedness <06172>: then my mind <05315> was alienated <03363> (8799) from her, like as my mind <05315> was alienated <05361> (8804) from her sister <0269>.
Ezekiel 23:19
Akan tetapi dia menambah perzinaannya lagi sambil mengenang masa mudanya ketika dia berzina di Tanah Mesir
<7235> <853> <8457> <2142> <853> <3117> <5271> <834> <2181> <776> <4714>
AV: Yet she multiplied <07235> (8686) her whoredoms <08457>, in calling to remembrance <02142> (8800) the days <03117> of her youth <05271>, wherein she had played the harlot <02181> (8804) in the land <0776> of Egypt <04714>.