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Lamentations 2:10
Para tua-tua puteri Sion duduk membisu di tanah Mereka menghamburkan debu ke atas kepala dan memakai kain perkabungan Anak-anak dara Yerusalem menundukkan kepala ke tanah
<3427> <776> <1826> <2205> <1323> <6726> <5927> <6083> <5921> <7218> <2296> <8242> <3381> <776> <7218> <1330> <3389> <0>
AV: The elders <02205> of the daughter <01323> of Zion <06726> sit <03427> (8799) upon the ground <0776>, [and] keep silence <01826> (8799): they have cast up <05927> (8689) dust <06083> upon their heads <07218>; they have girded <02296> (8804) themselves with sackcloth <08242>: the virgins <01330> of Jerusalem <03389> hang down <03381> (8689) their heads <07218> to the ground <0776>.