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Jeremiah 46:9
Majulah wahai segala kuda berpaculah wahai segala rata Biarlah para kesateria keluar orang Kush dan orang Put yang memegang perisai orang Lidia yang memegang dan melenturkan busur
<5927> <5483> <1984> <7393> <3318> <1368> <3568> <6316> <8610> <4043> <3866> <8610> <1869> <7198>
AV: Come up <05927> (8798), ye horses <05483>; and rage <01984> (8703), ye chariots <07393>; and let the mighty men <01368> come forth <03318> (8799); the Ethiopians <03568> and the Libyans <06316>, that handle <08610> (8802) the shield <04043>; and the Lydians <03866>, that handle <08610> (8802) [and] bend <01869> (8802) the bow <07198>. {the Ethiopians: Heb. Cush} {the Libyans: Heb. Put}