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Exodus 16:5
Pada hari keenam mereka harus memungut dua kali lipat ganda banyaknya daripada yang biasa dipungut mereka setiap hari lalu memasak apa yang dibawa pulang oleh mereka
<1961> <3117> <8345> <3559> <853> <834> <935> <1961> <4932> <5921> <834> <3950> <3117> <3117> <0>
AV: And it shall come to pass, that on the sixth <08345> day <03117> they shall prepare <03559> (8689) [that] which <0834> they bring in <0935> (8686); and it shall be twice <04932> as much as they gather <03950> (8799) daily <03117> <03117>.
Job 42:10
Setelah Ayub berdoa untuk sahabat-sahabatnya Tuhan memulihkan keadaan mereka Kemudian Tuhan menambahkan segala milik Ayub dua kali lipat ganda dari dahulu
<3068> <7725> <853> <7622> <347> <6419> <1157> <7453> <3254> <3068> <853> <3605> <834> <347> <4932>
AV: And the LORD <03068> turned <07725> (8804) the captivity <07622> (8675) <07622> of Job <0347>, when he prayed <06419> (8692) for his friends <07453>: also the LORD <03068> gave <03254> (8686) Job <0347> twice as much <04932> as he had before. {gave...: Heb. added all that had been to Job unto the double}