Jeremiah 14:3
Bangsawan menyuruh para hamba mereka mencari air Mereka pergi ke perigi-perigi tetapi tidak mendapatkan air lalu pulang dengan wadah kosong Mereka kecewa dan malu lalu menyelubungi kepala mereka
<117> <7971> <6810> <4325> <935> <5921> <1356> <3808> <4672> <4325> <7725> <3627> <7387> <954> <3637> <2645> <7218>
AV: And their nobles <0117> have sent <07971> (8804) their little ones <06810> to the waters <04325>: they came <0935> (8804) to the pits <01356> (8676) <01360>, [and] found <04672> (8804) no water <04325>; they returned <07725> (8804) with their vessels <03627> empty <07387>; they were ashamed <0954> (8804) and confounded <03637> (8717), and covered <02645> (8804) their heads <07218>.