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Jeremiah 12:6
Malah para saudaramu dan kaum keluargamu sendiri mereka mengkhianati engkau mereka berseru kuat-kuat di belakangmu Jangan percayai mereka sekalipun mereka berbicara manis kepadamu
<3588> <1571> <251> <1004> <1> <1571> <1992> <898> <0> <1571> <1992> <7121> <310> <4392> <408> <539> <0> <3588> <1696> <413> <2896> <0>
AV: For even thy brethren <0251>, and the house <01004> of thy father <01>, even they have dealt treacherously <0898> (8804) with thee; yea, they have called <07121> (8804) a multitude <04392> after <0310> thee: believe <0539> (8686) them not, though they speak <01696> (8762) fair words <02896> unto thee. {they have called...: or, they cried after thee fully} {fair...: Heb. good things}