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Isaiah 53:8
Daripada tahanan dan daripada pengadilan dia diambil Siapa akan mengisahkan keturunannya Dia dilenyapkan daripada negeri orang hidup dan kerana pelanggaran umat-Ku dia kena tulah
<6115> <4941> <3947> <853> <1755> <4310> <7878> <3588> <1504> <776> <2416> <6588> <5971> <5061> <0>
AV: He was taken <03947> (8795) from prison <06115> and from judgment <04941>: and who shall declare <07878> (8787) his generation <01755>? for he was cut off <01504> (8738) out of the land <0776> of the living <02416>: for the transgression <06588> of my people <05971> was he stricken <05061>. {from prison...: or, away by distress and judgment: but, etc} {was he...: Heb. was the stroke upon him}