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Isaiah 31:9
Pelindung mereka akan lenyap kerana gentar dan para penguasa mereka kecut hati melihat panji-panji itu demikianlah firman Tuhan yang mempunyai api di Sion dan pendiangan di Yerusalem
<5553> <4032> <5674> <2865> <5251> <8269> <5002> <3069> <834> <217> <0> <6726> <8574> <0> <3389> <0>
AV: And he shall pass over <05674> (8799) to his strong hold <05553> for fear <04032>, and his princes <08269> shall be afraid <02865> (8804) of the ensign <05251>, saith <05002> (8803) the LORD <03068>, whose fire <0217> [is] in Zion <06726>, and his furnace <08574> in Jerusalem <03389>. {he...: Heb. his rock shall pass away for fear} {his strong hold: or, his strength}