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Isaiah 26:20
Mari bangsaku masuklah ke dalam bilikmu dan tutuplah pintu di belakangmu Sembunyikanlah dirimu sesaat lamanya sampai murka berlalu
<1980> <5971> <935> <2315> <5462> <1817> <1157> <2247> <4592> <7281> <5704> <5674> <5674>
AV: Come <03212> (8798), my people <05971>, enter <0935> (8798) thou into thy chambers <02315>, and shut <05462> (8798) thy doors <01817> about thee: hide <02247> (8798) thyself as it were for a little <04592> moment <07281>, until the indignation <02195> be overpast <05674> (8799).