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Psalms 88:3
Kerana jiwaku dipenuhi kesusahan dan hidupku semakin hampir ke kubur
<3588> <7646> <7451> <5315> <2416> <7585> <5060>
AV: For my soul <05315> is full <07646> (8804) of troubles <07451>: and my life <02416> draweth nigh <05060> (8689) unto the grave <07585>.
Psalms 107:18
Jiwa mereka membenci segala jenis makanan maka mereka hampir ke pintu maut
<3605> <400> <8581> <5315> <5060> <5704> <8179> <4194>
AV: Their soul <05315> abhorreth <08581> (8762) all manner of meat <0400>; and they draw near <05060> (8686) unto the gates <08179> of death <04194>.