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Psalms 56:2
Musuhku memburu aku sepanjang hari ramai orang menentangku
<7602> <8324> <3605> <3117> <3588> <7227> <3898> <0> <4791>
AV: Mine enemies <08324> (8802) would daily <03117> swallow <07602> (8804) [me] up: for [they be] many <07227> that fight <03898> (8802) against me, O thou most High <04791>. {enemies: Heb. observers}
Psalms 102:19
Dia memandang ke bawah dari tempat suci-Nya dari syurga Tuhan memerhatikan bumi
<3588> <8259> <4791> <6944> <3068> <8064> <413> <776> <5027>
AV: For he hath looked down <08259> (8689) from the height <04791> of his sanctuary <06944>; from heaven <08064> did the LORD <03068> behold <05027> (8689) the earth <0776>;
Isaiah 24:21
Pada waktu itu Tuhan akan menghukum para angkatan di langit dan raja-raja bumi di atas bumi
<1961> <3117> <1931> <6485> <3068> <5921> <6635> <4791> <4791> <5921> <4428> <127> <5921> <127>
AV: And it shall come to pass in that day <03117>, [that] the LORD <03068> shall punish <06485> (8799) the host <06635> of the high ones <04791> [that are] on high <04791>, and the kings <04428> of the earth <0127> upon the earth <0127>. {punish: Heb. visit upon}