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Job 19:27
Akan kulihat Dia memihak kepada aku Mataku akan memandang Dia bukan yang lain Batinku merindu di dalam dadaku
<834> <589> <2372> <0> <5869> <7200> <3808> <2114> <3615> <3629> <2436>
AV: Whom I shall see <02372> (8799) for myself, and mine eyes <05869> shall behold <07200> (8804), and not another <02114> (8801); [though] my reins <03629> be consumed <03615> (8804) within <02436> me. {another: Heb. a stranger} {though...: or, my reins within me are consumed with earnest desire (for that day)} {within...: Heb. in my bosom}