Job 1:13
Pada suatu hari ketika para anak Ayub baik lelaki mahupun perempuan sedang makan dan minum air anggur di rumah abang sulung mereka
<1961> <3117> <1121> <1323> <398> <8354> <3196> <1004> <251> <1060>
AV: And there was a day <03117> when his sons <01121> and his daughters <01323> [were] eating <0398> (8802) and drinking <08354> (8802) wine <03196> in their eldest <01060> brother's <0251> house <01004>:
Job 32:1
Ketiga-tiga orang itu berhenti menjawab Ayub kerana Ayub menganggap dirinya benar
<7673> <7969> <582> <428> <6030> <853> <347> <3588> <1931> <6662> <5869> <0>
AV: So these three <07969> men <0582> ceased <07673> (8799) to answer <06030> (8800) Job <0347>, because he [was] righteous <06662> in his own eyes <05869>. {to...: Heb. from answering}
Job 32:3
Dia juga marah kepada ketiga-tiga sahabat Ayub kerana mereka tidak boleh menjawab Ayub namun mempersalah dia
<7969> <7453> <2734> <639> <5921> <834> <3808> <4672> <4617> <7561> <853> <347>
AV: Also against his three <07969> friends <07453> was his wrath <0639> kindled <02734> (8804), because they had found <04672> (8804) no answer <04617>, and [yet] had condemned <07561> (8686) Job <0347>.