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Esther 2:12
Setelah dirawat dua belas bulan lamanya selaras dengan peraturan bagi para perempuan iaitu tempoh perawatan yang harus dilalui enam bulan dengan minyak damar wangi dan enam bulan dengan pelbagai salap serta wangi-wangian maka setiap gadis mendapat giliran untuk masuk menghadap Raja Ahasyweros
<5060> <8447> <5291> <5291> <935> <413> <4428> <325> <7093> <1961> <0> <1881> <802> <8147> <6240> <2320> <3588> <3651> <4390> <3117> <4795> <8337> <2320> <8081> <4753> <8337> <2320> <1314> <8562> <802>
AV: Now when every maid's <05291> turn <08447> was come <05060> (8687) to go in <0935> (8800) to king <04428> Ahasuerus <0325>, after <07093> that she had been twelve <08147> <06240> months <02320>, according to the manner <01881> of the women <0802>, (for so were the days <03117> of their purifications <04795> accomplished <04390> (8799), [to wit], six <08337> months <02320> with oil <08081> of myrrh <04753>, and six <08337> months <02320> with sweet odours <01314>, and with [other] things for the purifying <08562> of the women <0802>;)