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Genesis 38:1
Maka Yehuda pun pergi meninggalkan para saudaranya dan menumpang dengan seorang Adulam bernama Hira
<1961> <6256> <1931> <3381> <3063> <853> <251> <5186> <5704> <376> <5726> <8034> <2437>
AV: And it came to pass at that time <06256>, that Judah <03063> went down <03381> (8799) from his brethren <0251>, and turned <05186> (8799) in to a certain <0376> Adullamite <05726>, whose name <08034> [was] Hirah <02437>.
Genesis 38:12
Setelah beberapa lama kemudian isteri Yehuda iaitu anak perempuan Syua meninggal Ketika hati Yehuda sudah pulih dia pun pergi ke tempat para penggunting bulu kawanan dombanya di Timna bersama-sama sahabatnya Hira seorang Adulam
<7235> <3117> <4191> <1323> <7770> <802> <3063> <5162> <3063> <5927> <5921> <1494> <6629> <1931> <2437> <7453> <5726> <8553>
AV: And in process <07235> (8799) of time <03117> the daughter <01323> of Shuah <07770> Judah's <03063> wife <0802> died <04191> (8799); and Judah <03063> was comforted <05162> (8735), and went up <05927> (8799) unto his sheepshearers <01494> (8802) <06629> to Timnath <08553>, he and his friend <07453> Hirah <02437> the Adullamite <05726>. {in process...: Heb. the days were multiplied}